Whether a growing startup or a well-established business, all companies have legal needs. However, not all companies are in a position where it makes sense to hire full-time in-house counsel or engage an outside law firm and pay traditional law firm rates. Alternatively, some companies may already have in-house counsel, but need additional legal assistance on an interim or temporary basis. OpenDoor GC offers smart business solutions for your company’s specific legal challenges. OpenDoor GC gives you the flexibility to have top-tier in-house counsel services on an on-demand basis, as much or as little as your company requires, with a customized pricing arrangement that suits your business needs. For companies with no in-house legal staff, we handle ongoing, routine legal matters. For companies that have in-house counsel, we serve as overflow attorneys, acting as an extension of the in-house legal team to manage spikes in workload or gaps in the workflow. We provide these services at an hourly rate or set monthly rate, which will always be at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time in-house counsel or paying traditional law firm rates.
Like a full-time in-house counsel, OpenDoor GC will become a part of your team, but while operating on a remote basis without taking up any of your office space or requiring you to provide any technology. Through initial onsite visits and video conferences, we will quickly get up to speed on your business, your company’s objectives, and develop an intimate knowledge of your internal systems and external relationships. If desired, we can have email addresses on your internal email system and have an extension on your internal phone system.